Connectors - IRISO Electronics co.,ltd.



IMSA-9619S-32Y916 ( 产品编号(产品): IMSA-9619S-32C-TR)


  • 产品编号(包装)


  • 产品编号(产品)


  • 类别

    FPC / FFC Connectors

  • 系列



  • 连接器形状


  • 电路板安装方法


  • 安装配置


  • 联系方向


  • 配接间距

    1 Pitch

  • 电路板安装间距

    1 Pitch

  • 极数

    32 Pin

  • 接触电镀


  • 电镀厚度

    1 μm Min.

  • 传动标准


  • 传输速度(典型参考值)

  • 机身长度(俯仰方向)

    38.3 mm

  • 车身宽度(深度)

    2.5 mm

  • 主机高度

    5 mm

  • 额定电压(交流)

    125 V

  • 额定电压(直流)

    125 V

  • 额定电流

    1 A

  • 耐电压

    250 V(AC)

  • 阻抗匹配

  • 接触电阻

    30 mΩ Max.

  • 工作温度范围(最高)

    105 ℃

  • 工作温度范围(最低)

    -40 ℃

  • 数组

    Dual Row

  • RoHS2


  • 无卤素


  • 2 个接触点


  • 找老板


  • 接地端子


  • 宽滑块


  • 插入和删除次数


  • 锁定系统


  • 卡片防丢失功能


  • 包装类型


  • 包装数量







4: This product is not intended for use with equipment and devices related to human life such as medical equipment and devices, nuclear equipment and devices, aerospace equipment and devices, transportation equipment, and equipment and devices which require a high standard of reliability. If you are considering using our products for these purposes, please be sure to check with Our Company in advance as you will need to confirm the specifications that suit your application.
Without checking with our company in advance, we assume no responsibility if this product is used for the control systems of these types of equipment and devices and if any injury or fire occurs due to failure of the product. Our Company prohibits users from purchasing or using this product for the purpose of installing it in a weapon system.

IRISO 按原样提供所有设计、代码或其他此类信息,不提供任何保证。 通过提供设计、代码或其他此类信息,IRISO 不声明或保证任何此类实施(单独或组合)不存在任何潜在侵权或相关索赔。通过下订单或进行购买,买方承担获得买方实施任何此类设计、代码或其他此类信息可能需要的任何权利的全部责任。 IRISO 明确否认对此类设计、代码或其他此类信息的任何实施的充分性做出任何保证,包括但不限于任何实施不存在侵权索赔的任何保证或陈述以及任何默示保证,包括但不限于适销性或特定用途适用性的保证。


















Privacy Policy

  • 1.Recognizing the importance of personal information, IRISO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. (hereinafter ,“Company”) shall endeavor to appropriately treat and protect personal information of customers, shareholders, and employees (including job applicants to the Company and those who have left the Company) (hereinafter referred to as the “Customers, etc.”) in accordance with the following privacy policy.The Company shall comply with all relevant laws and regulations concerning the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as the Guidelines on the Law on the Protection of Personal Information (General Rules), and other national guidelines for which compliance is mandatory, in order to properly treat personal information.
  • 2.The Company shall properly acquire the personal information of the Customers, etc., notify or publicize the purposes of use of the personal information of the Customers, etc., and use the information within the scope of the purposes of use, except for cases that this procedure is not required by law.
  • 3.The Company shall endeavor to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, or damage to Customers, etc. personal data and shall take systematic, personal, physical, and technical security control measures required for the control of personal data.
  • 4.The Company shall educate employees to understand the importance of personal data and handle personal data appropriately. If employees are required to handle the personal data of the Customers, etc., the Company shall supervise such data as required and appropriate so as to ensure the security control of the personal data of the Customers, etc.
  • 5.When the Company entrusts the handling of the personal data of the Customers, etc., the Company shall supervise the handling of such data as required and appropriate so as to ensure such data appropriate security control of the personal data of the Customers, etc.
  • 6.Except as otherwise provided by law, the Company will not provide the personal data of the Customers, etc. for any third party without obtaining the prior consent of the individual.
  • 7.Except as otherwise required by law, the Company shall properly fulfill the verification and recording obligations stipulated by law when the Company has provided or received personal data from a third party.
  • 8.When preparing the anonymously processed information, the Company shall comply with the standards prescribed by laws and regulations and implement appropriate security control measures.
  • 9.In the case of the leak of personal information or other such incidents, the Company shall take immediate action to minimize the damage to the extent reasonable and take steps to prevent recurrence, based on the principle that the Customers, etc. shall be protected first.
  • 10.The Company will continuously review and regularly evaluate the management systems and measures to protect personal data, and strive to improve the management systems and measures.

About the Handling of Personal Information

  • 1.Collection of Personal Information
  • When providing the services of the Company, the Company obtains personal information such as the name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, workplace information (your company name, department name, position, address, telephone (fax) number, etc.), gender, bank account information, and access logs of the Customers, etc. from. The Company shall not properly acquire personal information or acquire personal information by deception or other wrongful means.
    The Company uses cookies and other tracking technologies (e.g., web beacons) to collect information about your access history and usage status on this website, including identifiers such as IP addresses (hereinafter referred to as “cookies”). information) is collected. Cookie information may be associated with personal information of Customers’ member services held by the Company. Cookie information that is associated with personal information will be handled in accordance with the following and the Cookie Policy.
  • 2.Purposes of Use of Personal Information
  • The purposes of use of personal information acquired by the Company are as follows: The Company may change the following purposes of use to the extent which is deemed relevant, and in the event of such a change, the Company shall notify or publicly announce the changed purposes of use to the relevant person of the Customers, etc.
  • Customer Information
  • To inform the Customers, etc. of The Company’s products

    To provide campaigns and events for the Customers, etc.

    To improve customer service, including market research, data analysis, and the planning and development of products and services

    To control the data of the Customers, etc.

    To manage the progress of transactions with the Customers

    To conduct questionnaires to the Customers, etc.

    To respond to the inquiries from the Customers, etc.

    For marketing research and analysis

  • Personal information of other companies, organizations, government agency clients and business partners
  • To respond to inquiries, business negotiations, meetings, etc. necessary for business and communication

    For the performance of contracts or management of business partner information necessary for business

    For requesting cooperation in questionnaire surveys, etc. regarding our business and transactions

    To report and notify government agencies and industry associations

  • Shareholder personal information
  • For management of shareholders based on laws and regulations

    To contact and deliver documents to shareholders

  • Personal information of job applicants
  • To send recruitment information to applicants for employment

    For recruitment selection

    For management of recruiting operations at the Company

    Other measures in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, or orders and instructions based on laws and regulations of authorities with legal authority

  • Personal information obtained from former employees
  • Contact after retirement

    Other measures in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, or orders and instructions based on laws and regulations of authorities with legal authority

  • 3.Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
  • The Company shall not provide personal information to any third party, except for the cases set forth below:

    (1)When the Company has obtained prior consent of the Person;

    (2)When, for the achievement of the purposes of use, the Company provides personal information to business contractors, affiliates or agents of the Company to whom the Company conducts proper supervision;

    (3)In the case of joint use as described below

    (4)When the provision of personal information is permitted under the Act Concerning the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and ordinances

  • 4.Provision to third parties in foreign countries
  • Our group companies may provide personal information to overseas group companies.In this case, Our group companies will take necessary measures regarding overseas transfer in accordance with the laws and regulations of each country.Some of the overseas group companies that receive personal information are located in third countries that have not received adequacy certification by the Personal Information Protection Commission, Japan. In order to protect personal data, Our group companies have entered into data transfer agreements with group companies that jointly use personal data.
  • 5.Sharing Personal Data
  • The Company may share the acquired personal data of the Customers, etc. with the co-users stipulated below.

    (1)Scope of joint users
    Name:Corporate Affiliates of the Company in Japan and overseas

    (2)Items of personal data to be jointly used
    Personal information stipulated in the section 1 above (personal data)

    (3)Purposes of use of Joint users
    Purposes of use of personal information as set forth in the paragraph 2 above

    (4)Data Privacy Manager
    IRISO Electronics Co., Ltd.

  • 6.Matters Concerning Security Control Measures
  • The Company shall take necessary and appropriate measures for security management of personal information including prevention of leakage, loss or damage of personal information. Security control measures for personal information are stipulated separately in our “Personal Information Handling Regulations,” whose main contents are as stated below:
  • (Establishing this ” Privacy Policy”)To ensure proper treatment of personal information, the Company has established this “Privacy Policy” concerning “Compliance with Related Laws, Ordinances, Guidelines, etc.” and concerning the “Contact for Treating Questions and Complaints,” etc.
  • (Improving the Rules concerning Treatment of Personal Information)The Company has established the “Personal Information Handling Regulations” concerning how to treat personal information, responsible persons, persons in charge and their duties, etc.
  • (Organized Security Control Measures)The Company has been building up organized security control measures, including installing persons responsible for personal information control and organizing an information security control system, and improving its in-house rules.
  • (Personnel Security Control Measures)The Company implements necessary and proper supervision over its workers and outside contractors who treat personal information.
  • (Physical Security Control Measures)The Company has implemented workers’ room access control, introduced measure for locking the door when a document is taken out of, transported from, or kept in, the room, and has taken a measure for preventing unauthorized persons from reading personal information.
  • (Technical Security Control Measures)The Company has implemented proper access control of personal information and limited the number of persons in charge and the scope of personal information. In addition, the Company has taken measures, including the introduction of a scheme that protects its information system treating personal information against external unauthorized access and malware software.
  • 7.Acquisition, use, and provision of information linked to identifiers such as cookies
  • Some of the websites of our group companies use cookies so that you can use the Company’ website more conveniently.By changing the settings of your web browser, you can refuse to receive cookies or display a warning when you receive cookies. Please refer to your browser’s instructions for details. However, please note that refusing to accept cookies may affect the operation of the Company’ website. For more information, please click here.
  • 8.How to Inquire about the Disclosure・Correction, etc.・Suspension of Use, etc. of Retained Personal Data
  • The Company has the following outline of procedures in the event of the notification of the purposes of use, disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion (hereinafter referred to as “Correction, etc.”), or suspension of use or deletion (hereinafter referred to as “Suspension of Use, etc.”) of the retained personal data pertaining to the personal information. For details, please refer to the procedure guide.

    (1)Provide the name, e-mail address, and other information for the contact section 9 and request that you wish to notify the purposes of use, disclosure, correction, etc., and suspension of use, etc. of the retained personal data.

    (2)Upon receipt of the above request, the Company will send procedure information and an application form to the person making inquiries.

    (3)Please fill in the required fields of the application form and send it to the Company by mail together with the identification document designated by the Company (in the event of a proxy application, the authorization document of the proxy as well as the identification document).

    (4)The Company will accept the application only after confirming the content of the documents and your identity. If the Company cannot accept your application, the Company will inform you of the reason without delay.

    (5)You may be requested to pay a handling fee for notification of the purposes of use and disclosure of the retained personal data.

  • 9. Comments and Inquiries about the Handling of Personal Information
  • Please send them to the following contact address.

  • [Contact point for inquiries about Personal Information]

    (1) Contact: Personal Information Protection section, Human Resources and General Affairs Department, IRISO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.

    (2) Address: 2-13-8, Shinyokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa ZIP 222-0033, Japan

    (3) Telephone Number: +81-(0)45-478-3111

  • Established on 26/4/2019
  • Revised 1/10/2022