For expanding our global business in a wide variety of cultures, the IRISO ELECTRONICS Group holds the words of “as a link to the future, respecting individual’s value and creating abundance in value to contribute to the society” as a management philosophy.
While ensuring our contribution to the society as stated in our management philosophy, we have declared that we support the realization of society where human rights are respected and implement the following initiatives.
・No employees shall be forced to accept employment or be retained against their will.
・The labor force obtained by coercion, detention, inhumane prison labor, slavery or trafficking shall not be used. Nor shall they be transferred, hidden, hired, alienated or accepted by means of threat, coercion, abduction or fraud.
・When hiring an employee, he or she shall not be required to pay employment fees such as employment placement fees.
・Government-issued ID cards, passport visas, work permits or immigration applications shall not be hidden or confiscated from employees and be used by employees without hindrance.
・No child shall not be employed. The term “child” refers to anyone below fifteen (15) years of age as the ILO (International Labor Organization) convention defines, or under the minimum age for admission to employment or the age of completion of compulsory schooling that are stipulated by the national laws and regulations of each country, whichever is the highest.
・Young workers under the age of eighteen (18) shall not be allowed to engage in dangerous works such as night shifts and overtime which may impair their health and safety.
・In hiring, wages, promotion, benefits, access to training, no employees shall not be treated unfavorably because of their race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or nationality, disability, pregnancy, religion, political party, political view, union membership, marital
history, or any other reasons.
・The human rights of employees shall be treated with respect and dignity, and employees shall be free from any inhumane treatments such as mental, sexual, physical or behavioral abuse, coercion and harassment in the workplace.
・Under the national laws and regulations of each country, the right of employees to freely form or join trade unions shall be recognized.
・Employees or trade union representatives may communicate openly with senior management regarding their opinions and concerns about working conditions and management practices without fear of discrimination, reprisal, intimidation or harassment in the workplace.
・In compliance with the national laws and regulations of each country, all remunerations including the minimum wage, overtime and statutory benefits, and wage deductions shall be paid.
・When remunerations are paid, pay slips shall be issued to provide detailed information to confirm that employees are being paid the relevant amount.
・Employees shall not be allowed to work beyond the limits on working hours stipulated by the national laws and regulations of each country, and their working hours and holidays shall be properly managed.