커넥터 메이커 - 이리소전자공업


Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

The Iriso Group has established an environmental management system for business operations and products /service
necessary to manufacture the Company’s key products, connectors and pins, and promote environmental protection activities
as follows.

  • 1. We work towards environmental protection, including the prevention of environmental pollution, by using resources
    effectively through recycling activities as well as by reducing greenhouse gases, such as CO2 generated by our production
    activities, and promoting energy saving for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • 2. We define improvement activities in regular business operations as an environmental goal of the organization, monitor and
    review the implementation status, and continuously improve and maintain the environmental management system to
    enhance the Company’s environmental performance.
  • 3. We comply with environmental legal requirements and agreements that are applied to the Company’s business.
  • 4. We reduce harmful substances in the Company’s products from the design stage and promote green procurement.
  • 5. We educate all employees working at the Company about environmental protection activities to improve their understanding
    and awareness of environmental issues.

―This environmental policy is made known to both employees and the public so that it is available to all stakeholders ―

July 31, 2000
Amendment July 10, 2023
Hitoshi Suzuki
President and CEO
IRISO Electronics. Co., Ltd.