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Board-to-board (BtoB) connectors are connectors developed for high-density mounting of printed circuit boards. Among BtoB connectors, Floating BtoB connectors, which are movable in X,Y,Z directions, help prevent mating position errors. IRISO's flagship product is the floating connector which has a wide variety of configurations ranging from 0.4 to 2.0 mm pitch and a 4 to 30 mm mating height.
IRISO offers a wide variety of FPC/FFC connectors ranging from the ZIF type (ZeroInsertion) which locks the FPC/FFC with minimal pressure when connecting, and the NON-ZIF type, which can be inserted with a light touch. There are many variations, such as a highly reliable two-point contact structure, Auto I-Lock structure which will increase operational efficiency and reliability. IRISO's FPC/FFC connectors can be used for a wide range of applications, from automotive electronics to mobile devices.
Socket connectors are widely used for both device-to-device connections and internal connections. By combining them with a pin header (plug), it can be used for various uses. It is widely used for in-vehicle LCD connections as well as connections between boards and HDD. In addition, two adjacent posts can be short-circuited, and short-circuit sockets (jumper sockets) that are used as logic circuit switching or DIP switch replacements.
The pin header connector is the 'male' plug of the connector. The male pins are cut and coated with insulation made from resin materials. It is typically used for internal board-to-board connections. IRISO got it's start in pin manufacturing. A wide variety of pins are available, from pin length, diameter, locking position, etc...
The I/O (Input/Output, or Interface or I/F) connector conveys signals between devices. It connects various devices like car navigation systems, car audio devices as well as PC peripheral devices. It enables power supply to devices and I/O of audio/video signal data.
The card edge connector is a socket connector that is used by inserting a module card into a card slot. It is ideally suited for connecting various expansion cards, including connections to personal computer motherboards.
The compression terminal is IRISO's direct touch connection that facilitates wireless connections. The terminal spring functions ensures the reliability of the connection. We boast a lineup of over 40 different height variations from 0.6 to 7.0mm. It is ideal for internal connections of mobile phones and mobile devices.
The Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) protector chip was developed unique IRISO technology. It is designed for protecting high-frequency digital equipment from static electricity due to its low capacitance. Any ESD energy that which may have penetrated a circuit can be instantaneously avoided by simply installing the ESD protector chip between the signal and the GND line. We have various types of connectors with ESD films equipped with an electrostatic film using this technology.
2.0mm pitch connector for unsealed in-vehicle equipment interface. 050 terminals (ultra-compact crimp terminals with box structure) are used to achieve miniaturization, low profile, and high density. Designed for high operating temperatures up to +125°C and SMT specifications for automatic mounting. Single-row/two-row types are available.
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