Connectors - IRISO Electronics co.,ltd.


Procurement Policy

IRISO Group Procurement Policy

The IRISO Group values suppliers of materials, components, and others as "essential partners to work with in doing business," as well as being committed to building trust in a relationship with them by ensuring transparency and fairness in all business dealings. 

The IRISO Group is engaged in improving quality, reducing costs, and encouraging green procurement practices, etc. through closely working with suppliers.

In line with the "IRISO Electronics Group Code of Business Conduct and Ethics," the IRISO Group aims to build a strong partnership with suppliers who actively promote their CSR practices, including legal compliance, and the protection of environment and human rights. The IRISO Group is dedicated to taking its environmental and social responsibilities, such as legal compliance, building global partnerships with suppliers through mutual development, and promoting purchasing practices based on fair and ethical evaluations.

The IRISO Group is engaged in procurement practices in accordance with the Sustainable Procurement Guidelines, which are summarized as follows.

Supplier Selection and Evaluation

The IRISO Group expects suppliers to take the following issues as those they must proactively address in their own business practices to meet growing demand for corporate social responsibility (CSR), while making an ethical evaluation of suppliers’ quality, safety, environment, price, delivery time, and so forth, that have been practiced based on our rational judgment, when procuring goods and services.

Human Rights

The IRISO Group takes the “conflict minerals” that may have risks of human rights abuses and environmental destruction, as well as of financing for bribery and corruption, and terrorism, as critical social issues for supply chain. The IRISO Group has a policy of not using the "conflict minerals” to meet the global standard for CSR in procurement practices, as well as of being committed to responsible mineral procurement practices across the supply chain to avoid the use of any mineral that could be identified as such conflict minerals.​ ​

Fair and Ethical Business

The IRISO Group fully complies with laws, regulations, and social norms (such as laws, standards, and treaties of other countries, including the prohibition of child and forced labor, and the prevention of corruption), observes the terms and conditions of contracts with suppliers, as well as doing business with them on an equal footing.

Caring about the Environment 

The IRISO group promotes green procurement practices through fully caring about a range of global environmental challenges (global warming, management of environmentally hazardous substances, waste, recycling problems, and others) that society is facing.

Information Management and Protection

The IRISO Group protects and maintains the personal information of suppliers, third parties, and employees, as well as confidential information provided by suppliers and third parties.


IRISO Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines

The IRISO Group takes the “conflict minerals” that may have risks of human rights abuses and environmental destruction, as well as of financing for bribery and corruption, and terrorism, as critical social issues for supply chain. and has the green procurement guidelines as follows.


Conflict Minerals Investigation

The IRISO Electronics group uses gold and tin as raw materials for manufacturing plating connectors and terminals. Although the gold plating contains trace amount of cobalt, we do not use other conflict minerals such as tantalum, tungsten, and mica in our products.

Regarding conflict minerals, our CSR Procurement Guidelines clarify our policy that "we shall fulfill our obligations to prevent directly or indirectly supporting illegal armed conflict, human rights violations, environmental harm, or activities that pose hidden risks to health and safety, and shall take reasonable steps to use minerals of known provenance." For this reason, we regularly conduct smelter/refinery surveys using the EMRT (Extended Minerals Reporting Template) in addition to the CMRT (Conflict Minerals Reporting Template) issued by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) going back through our supply chain.

Survey results (FY2023)

Suppliers surveyed: 91 companies
Response rate: CMRT 100%, EMRT 100%
Identified smelters: 224 companies (EMRT 68 companies, CMRT 156 companies)
There is no evidence of the use of conflict minerals that serve as a source of funding for armed groups.


Communication with Suppliers

Since 2017, we have been holding business plan briefing sessions for major suppliers every year in order to help them understand the IRISO Group's business policies and procurement policies, deepen relationships of trust with suppliers, and promote communication (some sessions have been canceled due to the impact of COVID-19).

In these briefings, we explain our approach to business continuity planning (BCP), CSR procurement guidelines, conflict minerals management, green procurement criteria, and climate change adaptation. We also ask our suppliers for their cooperation in such sustainability practices.

